Saturday, February 7, 2009

Saturday.....I am working today - once every eight weeks isn't too bad....and brought lots of supplies to play with.....I am crocheting a blanket for Clarice for her birthday, I will be doing this all day AND getting paid for it....

First and foremost....I am back, healthy and well. I am feeling surprisingly well. Thanks for all the prayers, food, and concern.

1994 S10 Blazer

Today when I go home our 'driveway paperweight' should be one step closer to being gone, by Sunday it will be GONE!!! That Blazer S10 has been in our driveway for almost four years, I can truly say that I am not quite sure what we are going to do without it. It has been a thorn in our sides since we bought it. I can't tell you how many times that Blazer died on the freeway with only me in it...scary huh?!?!? I had to change a blow-out in the dark on the side of the freeway at 5:00am (yes, I changed a tire, on a truck, in the dark, on the freeway, thanks dad for teaching me that). I remember coming to work with bloody knuckles and horrible amounts of dirt under my nails. That Blazer has been in our family for awhile and has done great things for us even though it has cost us thousands of dollars in the long run.

  1. Topaz mountain, it has brought us safely back many times.

  2. Fossil hunting in the Unitas

  3. Rock Hounding - many rock hounding trips!

  4. Camping trips

  5. Rock runs - trusty Blazer has carried thousands of pounds of hand picked river rocks back to our home

  6. Wendover - MANY

  7. Brought Isaac and Clarice home from the hospital.

  8. Trips to Yellowstone

I will remember the Blazer, sometimes foundly, sometimes not, but I will be happy to see the driveway again. Fairwell.......good luck my sometimes friend.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I can NOT beleive you're back to work already! Hope you got a lot done on the blanket for Clarice. I finished the ball and taught myself to knit! Oh, I sewed a skirt, too and thought of you the whole time! YAY for the driveway...what a releif to have that paperweight gone!