Monday, March 31, 2008

It seems like a fair fight to me! he he he.......
Go Eagle, it's your birthday!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

It is Friday......tee hee....I know you are jealous!
When I drove to work this morning at 5:05 I could see the moon it was lovely, it is now 6:05 and a blizzard......welcome to UTAH......

I watched the worse movie in my life last night and I am still pissed off about it......see below.....
As everyone knows I am a huge Stephen King fan, I love his books. I know that he has never been 'warm and fuzzy'. I read this short story, but I don't remember it being this horrible!
In the 40 years of my life I will rank this as one of my top three worse movies! I am still shaking my head in disbelief....stupid movie!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Side note to yesterday's Blog:

I am not impressed with my new running shoes, I am taking them back...not so cute anymore or that functional.

Oh well.....I will go find a new pair this weekend. I think I am going to stick with the Nike's, they fit me well and I like them.

Reasons why Ember is not allowed to take two days off:

1.People don't understand it when I talk to myself like Ember does........she just nods and smiles, others just look at me funny and go in their managers office and close the door. Than I get an e-mail from HR on Marriott's great resource line, that is FREE, they didn't help me.
2.Jared doesn't come over here to talk to me, he comes over to see what treat Ember has on her desk and than pretends to be over here to say 'hi'. It didn't take long to figure that one out.....come-on give me some credit.
3.The voices in my head are starting to make sense, and plotting against me.
4.Brett is an option when I am bored and need someone to talk to........for the love, I have died and gone to HELL.
5.She laughs at my jokes.........I have trained her well.
6.I give people things to make them talk to me, I gave Jared a pen, beef jerky, and Triscuits so he would talk to me, than he kicked my heater and walked away.
7.Felt like poking my eye out 387 times, I just couldn't see 'them' kneel in each others pods and whisper any more.........HELP ME
8.I talked to Laury and Tresea for social reasons........PLEASE HELP ME
9.And the best reason yet, I didn't mind knocking knuckles with David.

You ask who Ember is, she is one of my very best friends here at work! We are pretty much peas in a pod........she has been off for two days, I know, TWO days??? That really shouldn't be an issue, well it is for me....I am lonely and don't have anyone to chat with! At least she will be here tomorrow!! yippee, happy dance, humming a little ditty.....Love you EM

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Yes, I am STILL at me I am drowning!
For the LOVE.....could this day go by any


I'm ready to shoot myself in the foot!

3 and 1/2 weeks until the 5K......I am soooooo nervous. What happens if I can't run the whole thing and I have to walk part of it, AND, I registered Jason to run it with me for moral support and so he can work out with me, guess what, since 3/7/08 he has worked out once, I have worked out 6 to 7 days a week. Problem is, he will still probably kick my ass. Just proving once again I will have no one to blame but myself, damn it, if I do shitty.......he he he.....I bought me some running shoes and gray...kind-of cute plus functional, go figure.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!!!
(he he he he...ha ha ha ha)
That is very funny!

What other day of the year is it acceptable to
drink beer that is green?!?!?
(Not that I drink beer! It has been almost 18 months with no booze.)

Things that I love about St. Patrick's day:

  1. Green - who doesn't love any shade of green?

  2. Corned beef and Cabbage...(yummy, I made this yesterday, I now remember how much I love cabbage, but how much it doesn't love me.)

  3. The four leaf clover

  4. How they can dye a whole river green for 4 full hours.....?!?!?

  5. Kissing the Blarney stone, what is a Blarney stone?

  6. The pot of Gold at the end of the rainbow...... :~)

Saturday, March 15, 2008

I guess the sooner they 'move on' the better the gene poll will be. Are they actually doing the gang sign for 'The West Side'?

WTH?!?! Where are their parents? I bet they are taking their picture, I would be so proud. At least you know what to get them for their birthday, a pack of smokes and a new lighter.

I will have to admit I was a smoker until recently. I desided that being healthy was better than lung cancer. Now the smell to me is horrible. Thank the good Lord for Cantex, the new non-smoking medicine. It works for me and it worked for my husband. We are both going to go run a 5K in five weeks from today. I am terrified....I have been so unhealthy all of my life and thie 'healthy' thing is kind-of creeping me out!

BYW - Speaking of creeping me out, I think I swallowed a spider while I was sleeping last night. I was dreaming (I remember very clearly) that I was eating popcorn and I got one stuck in my throat and started coughing. It woke me up in a coughing fit, and continued for about 2-3 minutes. Than I felt like there was 'something' stuck in my throat, at that point I had the horrifing realization that it was a spider. We have all heard the horror stories about all the spiders we swallow without even knowing while we are sleeping.......oh crap! If I start shooting webs out my ass someone please put me out of my misery, I don't want to end up like that guy in The Fly. Okay, I know the guy in The Fly was a fly, but I am sure you get the jist of it. Alright, I just tried to Google it, but it just sent chills through me so I had to stop.

Friday, March 14, 2008

This is me.......I do the follwoing on a daily basis, and, to make it better, I feel guilty when I don't:
  • Work - 9 hours a day starting at 5:00, 4:15 if you count the time I get up.
  • Wake up Jason at 7:30.
  • Pick-up Isaac from Cleone's, make him a snack.
  • Greet Clarice from school make her a snack, than make her start her homework.
  • Load the dishwasher, clean kitchen, and straighten up the house from that morning, make sure Clarice is still doing her home work.
  • Work-out for an hour.
  • Make dinner and serve. NOTE: You can't have the same thing more than two days in a row, I was in trouble for that one.
  • Clean up after dinner.
  • Do a load of laundry, fold or put in appropreiate pile.
  • Bathe the kids and try and get their clothes ready for the next day.
  • Take a bathe, but only after I get grief for it. Wonder if I should shave my legs or if I will get grief for that too.
  • Put the kids to bed.
  • Get my clothes ready for the next day.
  • Straighten the house again from the five hours of use, and make coffee for the next day.

****Please note that kids never ask dad for ANYTHING, always me. I am considered the 'mean parent', probably becuse I am the only parent that makes them do anything.

****Please also note I do the following but not on a daily basis:

  • Pay the bills - this includes the worries that come with them.
  • Buy the groceries - make monthly menues.
  • Take the kids to ALL doctors/dentist appointments with no exceptions, 3 kids equal a lot of appointments.
  • Run errands.
  • Plan brithday parties for kids including all the gifts, Easter, Christmas, immediate family gifts.
  • Water plants.

Don't get me wrong, I watch my share of TV, ie Law and Order, but I feel that I deserve this as a treat.

Things that Jason does:

  • Get kids ready
  • Work 8-9 hours
  • Come home and ask Clarice is she has finished her homework. My personal favorite, becuase he knows that I have made her do it for the last hour and a half.
  • Mop floor in the kitchen every other week.
  • Feed the dogs.
  • Walk the trash to the curb once a week.
  • Work in the yard, weather permitting, nothing in the winter, sometimes shovel.
  • Go to Wendover at least once a month, ask why there isn't more money in the checking.
  • Read a gardening book.
  • Go camping once a month with the scouts, I usually pack for this one, and buy his food.

Am I bitching, well of course I'm bitching! The reasoning behind this is because I am very low maintainance, I don't require much, hell my shampoo costs $1.88. We never go out on dates, I don't ask to get my hair colored (I do it myself), my haircuts cost $15, I don't go clothes shopping (90% of my clothes are hand me downs), I don't have a closet full of shoes (I really only wear about three different pairs), I don't have friends that I go out with, and I make my own jewelry. I don't ask much, but when I do I feel guilty doing so, and why is that, I will tell you why. I need help for the race (Triathlon) I am doing in June (supplies, ie wet suits, bike, gear I need to wear, money for the trip to Denver), I asked for help (because we have seperate checking accounts) and I was told that I could really do this on my own, it shouldn't be a problem. So, I guess I will be going to the triathlon alone as well. I almost burst out crying (I waited until my 10 minute bath and cried a little there), but I didn't in front of anyone, I was strong, as I was always taught to be.

Friday, March 7, 2008

I know it is the 7th of March already......please let me explain to all of my two admirers. Awwwh the Cold/Flu or whatever the CDC is calling it this year, I had it, I didn't just have it, I had it for a full 7 days. Let's see how I can explain:

  1. Body feels like it has been hit by a truck, the truck isn't quite sure if it hit something so it backs over it again, not just a truck, an 18 wheeler, pulling a full load of steer.
  2. Fever for three days....something on the lines of I'm not sure if I should wear my winter thermals to bed, which would include wool socks and cap, or sleep naked, and wake up in a pile of sweat.
  3. The throat that feels like one of Charlie and the Chocolate Factories ompa lumpas is in there taking an exacto knife to it every time you swallow.....your huming the tune aren't you?
  4. Cough, the one you try to avoid at all costs due to number 3.
  5. need to explain.
  6. And the final fun one for me, becuase no one else in my family got this one, I lost my voice.... IE the picture above....I squeek like Alvin in the Chipmunks, I really don't ever recall my family asking me to talk so they can laugh at your humming a Chipmunks tune, huh? Your welcome.

To sum it all up I am now 'better' so to speak, but still no voice. I was trying to sing to the radio yesterday and I made myself laugh, I sounded like a 13 year old boy going through puberty. Good times... :~)