Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Some things don't need explaining. Like this one. You either lose an eye or a leg under the lawn mower. I told my dad and brother that this wouldn't be a good idea, men they just don't listen. :~)

Two of my kids are sick and being the great mother I am I am at work. I'm sure that I will be going home soon to watch after them but than I am afraid that next week I too will have the 'gombozie' they shared with me. I'm sorry, but it doesn't matter how much you Clorox things you still get sick, my house smells like a swimming pool. My kids want to cuddle and I want to run and hide, I am so mean, I'm sure Hilary can relate to this one. I bought them juice, chicken noodle soup, and some cough drops, what more do they want? HE HE HE, I really am just kidding. Well off to get some work done before I leave. Love ya'

Friday, February 15, 2008

This beautiful necklace Jason gave me for Valentines isn't a rock hammer but I am extremely happy with it. I got home from work yesterday and it was sitting on the table with a dozen roses and a great card. Love you babe!

HE HE HE.........HA HA HA........HO HO HO......We all know one or have been one... :~)

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Today is the day of of my favoite quotes is above......I love you all!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

As everyone knows, I love ROCKS.....big rocks, little rocks, all kinds of rocks. I have passed this on to my children who in turn love rocks as well. I will have to admit that this was passed on from my parents as well. Everyday when Clarice comes home from school I am sure to find rocks in her pockets, in her back-pack, in her shoes, and even cupped in her hands to show me her great treasures. There isn't a room in my house that you will not find a rock, gem, or dinosuar bone that we have collected or 'purchased'. I have more rocks in my garage than I know what to do with, and people just don't understand, oh well! In fact there is one in my desk right now, a trilobite, I don't know why I have rocks in my desk at work, yes I do, I love them! The point I am trying to make is this: Nothing Says I Love YOU, like ......drum roll please....... ROCKHOUNDING Gear (can you see me doing the happy dance?). This is what I am getting Jason.....the love of my life.......for Valentines day. He he he....a Rock Hammer, some new Chisels, a Hand Shovel, a Trowel, and a specialized Brush (to remove the dirt from the rock), and last but not least a leather waist belt to put them all in. Okay, if the truth be known I really want them as well, but I will live vicariously through Jason's cool gift (If he doesn't think it 's cool, I will take them off of
his hands, no complaints here). Happy Valentines Day
......I Love U.. :~)

Friday, February 8, 2008

My Happy Bunny for today has been replaced with this.........ME the only fork in the drawer that doesn't look like the others. I am completely okay with this, I like being bent and twisted. There is no cookie cutter for me. I am wacky, weird, odd, funny, pissy, sometime bitchy, loving, compassionate, stubborn to a fault, loud, quite, shy, out-going, sensitive, crafty, and many, many more. Would I change any of them, NO! Most of the time I like ME....I do sometimes want to be someone else for awhile but than I wouldn't be the fun, twisted, or bent fork, the fork that sometimes doesn't play well with others. I do not comform, I do not follow others, I follow ME and others love ME.

PS....I want no comments on how I have become intimate with a fork.....I have been one with the fork, I have the scar on my butt to prove it. :~( That is a whole different story that I don't think I am ready to discuss....... :~)

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

My Happy Bunny today will explain the venting of me! It is back! All of you who know me will know that I had Gastric Bypass surgery almost three years ago as a last attempt to lose the extra person I was carrying around. After a year of hard work and lack of my favorite friend (food) I was able to lose 150 pounds. I am proud to say that I have kept this off and have tried and struggled so to do this. I still have chosen not to consume sugar, carbonated drinks and a few other things that make me sick due to the surgery. I also have had a few issues prior that just don't want to go away like stomache 'things'. I have been trying for almost 8 months to get rid of a yeast infection that has beed lingering in my throat, esophagus and down into my stomache. After blood tests, a scope of the throat and butt (let's not even go there) they can't figure out why. After the last doctors appointment they really thought that I could get rid of it, and it did go away for 4 weeks, but nope! It's back!
The list of things it does to me are as follows:

Difficulty swallowing - IE pain
Food / Water getting stuck in my throat - IE pain
Sore throat - to the point were it feels like someone is taking an exacto knife to it
Lips cracked on the sides - IE hard to open mouth without cracks opening to bleed
Tongue and lips red and caked in goo!
Stomache wrenched in pain when I eat - this is due to the yeast attaching itself to the sides of the stomache and no acid their to dissolve it and make it go away.

Now I get to go back in for another scope, good times, good times! I really don't mind the 'down' scope, it is the 'up' scope that I really don't care for. I would be lying if I said it doesn't worry me, it does! I am starting to have a little anxiety attack even as we speak. Other than this small worry that I carry around, things are okay. I am still working towards the triatholon, not so much to win, just to finish. I hope I don't drown.....he he he :~) Well enough blah, blah, blah, love ya!

Monday, February 4, 2008

“Faith in something greater than ourselves enables us to do what we have said we'll do, to press forward when we are tired or hurt or afraid, to keep going when the challenge seems overwhelming and the course is entirely uncertain.”

Today I thought I would let you know how I feel about a great man. A man I would rank up there with my husband or my father. As you all probably know I was born and raised a Morman. I don't go to church, but I do not speak poorly of my religion.

I believe in the root of it all I just would call me 'lazy' to what the church asks. Anyway, the prophet Gordon B. Hinkly passed away last week. This man stood for all that was good and right. Always showing by example that a mere man can walk hand in hand with God.

Friday, February 1, 2008

He he he.....Don't need to say more than that! I can't believe that I have waitied a week to post. I apologize to all two of my following, on a good day maybe three. This week I discussed with Jason how he doesn't listen to me and he said, 'what?' JK He did listen, and I was impressed with this break through. I love that man..... :~)
Super Bowl is this weekend, Noele - the other sister - always has a party, but Jason and I have decided to stay home this year. Jason can drink as well at home as he can at their house and I don't have to be the DD. Tomorrow will be 16 months since I have had anything to drink, so I don't mind being the DD. I do have a pretty hard time with it when I am at Wendover or at parties, but I have fought the urges and am still sober 16 months later. Damn addictive personality! I can't just have one, nope! My whole life I have always over-done everything, eating-this one I was famous for, drinking-also famous for, smoking, why can't I be addicted to something good like house cleaning, or working out 2 hours a day, or feeding third world countries, jeeze I was the size of a third world country! The following things are things that I know I really have to stay away from or I will be in trouble:
Sugar - been sugar free for almost three years.
Booze - all kinds
Office Supplies - I kind-of like this one though
Have a wonderful Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5 hours and 45 minutes of work left.....picture me doing a 'white girl' happy dance.