Thursday, April 24, 2008

Last blog post for the next 7 - 10 days.....
Unfortunately, I will be laying in a hospital bed eating Jell-O

Don't get me wrong Jell-O is great when made the right way
With booze, not that I drink any more, it will be 19 months on May 2nd.
I don't need much while I am in the hospital for at least 3 days
Maybe even 5 days depending on what they find
I would like the following while I am there:

  1. First and fore-most DRUGS(ones that don't make me remember a damn thing)
  2. My husband and kids, do you think they will bring in 4 rollaway beds (does insurance cover somthing like that)? Sorry babe, you came under drugs but I am sure you understand!
  3. Cable TV, if I have to be in there I want to be watching Law and Order.
  4. Recover in record time and have them send me home early.

  5. Poo.....can't leave until I poo, have the big BM.

  6. A window with a view of more than the parking lot

I vow to smile be happy and make friends with the staff......I would like to be home for Isaac's birthday on the 29th.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Spring is in the Air.......
Who doesn't love spring?!?!
The freshly budding Lilacs
(Thanks grandma, I think of you every time I see them)
The birds singing.
The smell of rain.
Tulips, Daffodils, and Heather
The warm sun.
The world is green again.
The kids blowing bubbles in the yard.
Love is in the air.......
(Jason sang that to me on the phone, not well, but funny, he just wants to get 'lucky')

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

(on the right, just in case?!?!)

(on the left)
Notice Jason's legs are a little higher
than mine, he makes me sick...JK
I am truly proud of both
of us!!!!!!!
(for all of your support and true torture I sometimes put you through)

Monday, April 21, 2008

I did it......
I did it......
I did it......
I did it......
I DID IT........and I will do it again!
(in fact Jason and I are already planning on doing more)

I only threw up once the night before the race.....and why?!?!
I am so proud of myself!!!! I can't believe that I did it!
When I crossed the finish line I cried, I cried and I cried.
I never thought, ever in my life, that I would complete a 5K.
I wasn't last, there were about a thousand people behind me.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Sorry, I can't help it, this is one of my favorites!!

1. Cows
2. The Constitution
3. The Ten Commandments


Is it just me, or does anyone else find it amazing that during the madcow epidemic our government could track a single cow, born in Canadaalmost three years ago, right to the stall where she slept in the stateof Washington? And, they tracked her calves to their stalls. But they are unable to locate 11 million illegal aliens wandering around our country. Maybe we should give each of them a cow.


They keep talking about drafting a Constitution for Iraq . Why don't we just give them ours? It was written by a lot of really smart guys, it has worked for over 200 years, and we're not using it anymore.

T H E 1 0 C O M M A N D M E N T S

The real reason that we can't have the Ten Commandments posted in a courthouse is this: You cannot post "Thou Shalt Not Steal," "Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery," and "Thou Shall Not Lie" in a buildingfull of lawyers, judges and politicians...It just creates a hostile work environment.
24 hours and counting........tomorrow morning at this time we will be leaving our house for the 5K..........hold on let me vomit a minute...........Okay I am back.......HELP ME. Last night we went to pick up race stuff and I almost got sick there........Breath in, breath out! I can do this, I really can, what the hell is my problem!

Okay, enough of that! Here is my Happy Bunny for today!!!

Thought for the day: Handle stressful situations like a dog. If you can't eat it or chew it. Pee on it and walk away.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

How Stinkin' cute is this bike.......?????????
I think that I want this bike for my birthday.
I have decided that to not be disappointed on my birthday I will make a list of other things that will be acceptable for my birthday.......since the bike right now is way out of our budget.
  1. Bath and Body products......please nothing stinky.
  2. Clothes for summer, I'm not picky anywhere is fine.
  3. Sunglasses
  4. Sandles
  5. Aveda
  6. Office supplies, cute ones...note books...colored pens, with bold tips.
  7. Hair stuff, cause I have hair now.....
  8. Eye brow wax, my brows are starting to crawl away.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The luckiest girl, not me!

Clarice and Isaac go outside to play on Saturday Clarice is out there for about 10 minutes and comes running in with the most beautiful, and perfect, Four Leaf Clover. I am forty, for another three weeks anyway, and have never found a four leaf clover. Of course we dried it and pressed in in a book. The best part is, that she went back outside for 15 minutes and was able to find four more. We have - four - Four Leaf Clovers. I have included some fun facts about four leaf clovers:

  • The odds of finding a 4-Leaf clover is estimated at 10,000 to 1.
  • The four leaf clover is a universally accepted symbol of good luck with its origin ages old.
  • According to legend, Eve carried a four leaf clover from the Garden of Eden.
  • According to Irish folklore, finding a stem of clover with 4 leaves will bring you good luck, but finding a clover stem with more than 4 leaves will not bring you even more luck.
  • The mystique of the four leaf clover continues today, since finding a real four leaf clover is still a rare occurrence and omen of good luck.

Friday, April 11, 2008

One week until the 5K.....I am really nervous.

Two weeks from today and I go in for surgery.
(Which one should I be more afraid of, not sure yet, I will update that one later)

I KNOW that I won't be running the whole time, which is fine, it is my first race EVER, but as long as I come in before the guy in the wheel chair I will
be fine.

Jason and Hilary will be running the race with me, I already told both of them that they don't need to wait for me.
Enough Blah, Blah, Blah, let's get to the happy bunny for today!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Yep, that's me.....It is always a great ice breaker, 'Hey, did you know I am crazy?" There are so many things that you can get away with if people think you are crazy:
  • It is okay to talk to your pen, and tell it how much you love it, and rub it up against you face, maybe give it a little kiss.
  • Lick rocks, spit on them, want to eat dirt, in fact eat it.
  • Leave $100's of dollars of jewery in the kitchen window sill, but lock up your office supplies, don't want somebody to steal them.
  • Write notes on toliet paper becuase you don't want to use your cool paper.
  • Throw buffalo poo to see how far you can throw it.
  • Moon as many people as possible without getting arrested.
  • HORDE, HORDE, HORDE.....all office supplies, pens, paper, paper clips, highlighter, sharpies, colored pencils, scissors, POST-ITS, pencils, don't share them, in fact don't tell anyone you have them.
  • Walk around in the snow without shoes on, and when people ask if your feet are cold tell them, 'NO' even though your toes are purple and you can't feel them.
  • NEVER, never, give a straight answer.
  • Collect seeds from a plant nursery from the trees, flowers, shrubs, put them in a envelop and leave. Put them in your fridge to germinate.
  • Throw utinsels down a dry well, and listen to the nosie they make when they hit the bottom.
  • Build sand castles in the an adult!
  • Make a purse out of scotch tape and staples.

Each one of these is something I have done, and NO ONE has questioned it.....would I change that....HELL NO.....I like me, you like me, they like me, everyone likes me....he he he....humility is one of my best traits.....

Monday, April 7, 2008

Well........It is offical, Isaac will be in Kindergarten this fall. My last one to go to school. I tried to be a hard-ass by telling everyone here at work that I would be fine, that I would save in daycare, that I would be excited to see him go to school. If the truth be told, I LIED I am going to be a blubbering idiot, you know the kind, the one that cry so much that you can't tell the difference from there tears or boogers. The 'rich' people on the hill (I live on the ghetto side of NSL) are going to push their kids away from the crazy lady. Do you think that it would be too much if I put a GPS devise on his ankle and track his every move? I already know that my kids will need therapy due to me, but after all isn't that my job? My little man is no longer little. I took him for his shots last week and he hits the 98% for his height.

Friday, April 4, 2008

This is where the family is headed this weekend, to get TOPAZ. Hopefully, weather permitting we will be able to find lots and lots of 'fun stuff'!!!~ We will get up early, wear warm clothes, pack a lunch, and have fun playing in the dirt, Oh, and don't forget the rock hammers and chisels, with homemade rock bags for each kid..............including me. On the way home we will probably stop to get GEODES.......I hope the weather is good.......if it is bad we will not be going.

The OBSIDIAN collecting is right by the Topaz so we will probably stop for that as la la.....whoo hoo

It is good to be me.......