Thursday, February 12, 2009

I am so Strict...he he he

As everyone who knows me knows that I don't ground my kids. I have found 'other' alternatives.

I don't usually stiffle my children when they talk becuase it is good to let them know they have a voice and it needs to be heard no matter what. I wasn't like this when I was a younger mom, and I truely regret this, but with age does come wisdom.

Okay, so back to my original thought. I give chores instead of grounding....not only do the kids not like it at all I benefit from it as well. I don't give them normal everyday chores that they do already, I make them do things above and beyond that I don't even like to do. Like the following:
  1. Clean the laundry room
  2. Weed the yard
  3. Clean the garage
  4. Clean the dog run
  5. Scrub the floor
  6. Dishes for a week

These are my favorites.

So the other day my daughter decided my 'NO' wasn't enough and continued to 'keep it up'. She is a teenager and I understand that, but why can't I, for once, just get the last word in? By the end of the 'conversation' I was able to get the following done (yippee), I did warn her to stop talking:

  • Two loads of laundry - 1st offense
  • The dishes for a week - 2nd offense
  • AND clean the laundry room - 3rd offense (this was my favorite)

After she was done, she pounds up the stairs and says with a small smile on her face, 'You are so Strict'. Yep.....but I did warn her before any chores had been assigned that she needed to stop.


Melissa said...

What a wonderful idea. I will definately be using this when time outs quit working. I've never been a fan of's more of a punishment for mom than anything. Oh, I'm rambling! i love reading your posts!

rachaelgking said...

Oh, that is good... chores are definitely way worse than grounding! I'm glad my parents never thought of that...